dmantione, the problem is that Object Pascal is perceived to be the same language as what existed with Turbo Pascal, by and large. Unless you've used it, you'd think it's some archaic procedural-only language.

I agree, one of Pascal's great strengths is in its ability to handle both procedural and OOP programming well.

But without the misconceptions and predilections against Object Pascal being cleared up, most people are just left wondering: So? They rank us with LISP for popularity and "fringe" usefulness.

If you want to create and/or sell a compiler you really have to support and promote the language for it to succeed. FreePascal's struggles, by and large, stem from the stigma, the interface, and the code incompatibilities. CodeGear's wont be any less.

Thus, I say the outlook of the language is bleak without some serious correction to the stigma and some real promotion of the power of Object Pascal.