The functions for setting the offset in an buffer are there now. Not tested that yet.

Also if your application is working with the openal.pas it wil also work with the new openal.pas unit.

@Will what do you mean by optimization?

I did a header conversion for the missing parts that are new to OpenAL 1.1 and added these to the openal.pas unit that i made to resemble the way the DGLOpenGL unit is set up. For the previous openal.pas i already added some OpenAL 1.1 beta functions. Things have yet to be cleaned up and polished. I am doing conversion by hand (lots of search and replace and even lots of manual typing). So i take up cleaning up later as more functions are tested and proved working.

If you have optimization suggestion do let me know so they can be applied.

Also i still have to take up converting the eax effect const definitions so we have some effects to play around with.

As for core openal functions about 10 new functions were added to the unit. I did not count the new const defintions. There is one new Extension namely the efx extension (this was the most work as it meant lots of new functions, types and consts). The device enumeration support was already there in the previous openal.pas as was the VORBIS extension.