Quote Originally Posted by Almindor
Hmm I should stop going to these forums. It's a danger to my health, all I see here is a bunch of idiots "demanding" something out of an OSS project and to make things worse, of parts which were taken from a dead (synedit) 3rd party component which nobody currently supports.
Actually, if you want to get some work done, avoid *all* forums altogether. There will be always people trying to criticize your work. Instead of taking it personally, try to see it as an opportunity for improvement. I agree that Robert's anger towards Lazarus is not very well fundamented, but there are also valid and useful suggestions coming out of this thread, which might be actually beneficial.

Quote Originally Posted by Almindor
As a FPC developer I am disgusted at this pascal community.. if you can call it that.
You think this thread was harsh? You haven't seen what happens when someone admits of drunk driving on Gamedev.Net.