*edit* 1 other thing is, atm i use a single png to create texture for buttons etc, however i see many places have a dds file with 3-4 images in to create the somewhat sprite texture or to use the same image for several parts of a quad etc, is there any tutorial on doing this? i cant seem to find one, thanks again
Do you mean Tilesets (an image that is composed of multiple smaller images)?? That's quite easy to achieve. So far you only used 0.0 and 1.0's for you texture coordinates (they use U and V instead of X and Y). When you want to render only the upper half of your image, you can use the following coords:

//setting up the quad

//top left vertex (top left on texture)
Vertex[0].u := 0.0;
Vertex[0].v := 0.0;
//top right vertex (top right on texture)
Vertex[1].u := 1.0;
Vertex[1].v := 0.0;
//bottom left vertex (halfway down - left on texture)
Vertex[2].u := 0.0;
Vertex[2].v := 0.5;
//bottom right vertex (halfway down - right on texture)
Vertex[3].u := 1.0;
Vertex[3].v := 0.5;

It may take some fiddling before your orientation is right, but i guess you are smart enough to figure that out yourself.

Good luck with your PSU.