To be honest, we aren't really sure about the difference between all packages. We're pretty much going to base our choice on the poll results and from what we read about the three boards.

I personally have only had member status on vBulletin boards so I can only draw experience from that. That said, from what I've seen it does appear to work smoother than other alternatives. It has some interesting features that I have not seen in other boards and, in general, opinions regarding security and administration seem to be more positive towards vbulletin.

If time permits, Savage and I are going to discuss the poll results later this week. But based on the current poll results I see the following happening:

1) We put up a paypall button so people can donate for vBulletin.
Depending on the amount of money we receive, we will
A) install vBulletin
B) go ahead with phpBB