Static compiling doesn't work, i got errors like this
/usr/local/lib/fpc/2.2.4/units/arm-linux/rtl/errors.o uses hardware FP, whereas sdltest uses software FP
cross compiler is build with
make crosszipinstall CPU_TARGET=arm CROSSOPT='-CfSOFT -dGP2X -dno_smpeg -dFPC_ARM -O- -gl' CROSSBINDIR=/usr/local/gp2xdev/bin BINUTILSPREFIX=gp2x-
, but it seems to be, that the option -CfSOFT is not used.

For static linking, i need softfloat, all libraries in gp2x sdk has softfloat and mixing is not possible.

At this time, i can not use optimized sdl libraries.
