Quote Originally Posted by Cer3brus
The .exe(and source) of the first version can be found at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/delphixdemo/
I hope it helps
It does, quite substantially... I've just found that unDelphiX includes a unit with the same name as one in the DevExpress component suite, so I've just mailed the maintainer of unDelphiX.

Anyhow... back on topic ;-)

I've just downloaded your code, and the latest version of unDelphiX and having fixed the problem with the conflict between unDelphiX and DevExpress, I've compiled your code. I'm sorry (well... kind of sorry) to say that I can't reproduce the problem. I'm kind of sorry because it implies it's either an unDelphiX bug which could potentially be fixed by the latest version or its a compiler bug.

So, which version of Delphi and unDelphiX are you using? If it's not the latest version of unDelphiX, download that and try recompiling to see if that fixes the problem.

Hope this helps.