There are a few that have made a fair bit of impact in the indie/casual gamer scene... I mean does having a review from an indie game review site count as something that gamers have heard of?

In that case there is:

- CrashBlock (Winner of 2007 PGD Annual and a contender at the 2008 IGF)
- TombClimber (made some sales, probably Magic Storms strongest selling so far interviewed at Bytten)
- Wicked Defense (has wowed many and have it's own review I'm sure somewhere... don't know how it sold though...)
- Azlant Dreams (another one from the creators of Wicked Defense it was relesed late 2008/early 2009)
- Abra Academy 1 & 2 both (they are selling quite well at BigFish and uses the Phoenix SDK)
- Another game like Abra Academy, made by the same people, but I forget it's title... also at BigFish...

That it off the top of my head. You could count Projekt W, but it's unfinished. It does wow the hell out of most people that look at screenshots, etc.. lol

Personally I think that some of PGD's best and brightest should start making some games. You know who you people are.