Quote Originally Posted by atozix
Hi ho Alimonster,,

Hmmm .. This method is even easier , but one has to remember to
ClipCursor(nil); before exiting the program as the cursor stays clipped,
being w32 i spose... So I just put the ClipCursor(nil); in FormClose..
Yeah, there are a few more to remember too. For example, switching away from the application (OnActivate/OnDeactivate for the TApplication object), minimization and restoration, and so on. Though I can't remember if those require specific handling or if Windows deals with it. If you need to handle those then try dropping down a TApplicationEvents component from the Additional tab. Bear in mind that I've not used DelphiX, so I don't know how that will affect things.

in regard to the help docs,,,, your method of finding the info from within the editor also works fine.... but if i just do a search nowt is revealed...

probly cause my delphi help will not complete a create list ...
when I try to create a list by clicking on FIND I get the error message

unable to display find tab[177] (windows help message)

hmmm this used to work last time i was programming a few years ago!!!

so ive just been using the index ...
Yeah, that's happened to me before -- in fact, it's a problem at the moment at work with Delphi 5 Enterprise. I'm not sure of a good fix, to be honest, since I've not looked for one yet. Would a cheap and cheerful fix be any better?

The win32.hlp help file is separate from the other Delphi ones. The simplest fix is to customize the Delphi toolbar. Right-click on the toolbar icons, choose customize, select the "commands" tab, and drag on the Windows API button from the help category (I choose the top row, just to the right of the normal help button). You can also drag something underneath it to make it look less silly (I choose "close all" from the file category).

You can try a more direct approach. Have a look in the Help menu and see if there's a "customize" menu. If there's something like that available then you should be able to play around with the various help files. If you manage to fix the problem then let me know cause I'm interested too! :roll:

anyway THX again for the clip method....

cheeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrssssssss a
No problem, we're here to help (as part of a sinister plot to take over the world, muhaha!).