Hi all,
I have a question for anyone who has used Cubase, Ableton etc.
I currently have Cubase SE3. SE3 is old and lacks all the VST funkiness of say Cubase 5. I'm considering upgrading my copy of SE3 to Cubase 5 as I'm starting to get back into my music.
My rig consists of mostly MIDI gear (a couple of Roland modules and an Alpha Juno 2), plus Reason 4 and ReBirth. So, I need software that is MIDI capable (by that I mean it must be capable of transmitting MIDI data to external devices), which rules out Propellerhead's new offering 'Record', although it can be used as an enhanced ReWire interface for Reason as it appears to make some stuff in Reason easier, plus it has additional processing tools.
My question is, does anyone have any good suggestions as to the route I should take software wise? My favourite option is to upgrade Cubase SE3 to the latest version of Cubase 5 (the full monty version, not a cut down version for home users, like SE3). I've used Steinberg tools since the days of Pro-24 on the Atari ST so I'm very familiar with their way of working. I've tried the demo of Ableton and I have to say, I'm just not taken by the quality of the sound of some of the internal instruments (Reason blows it in my opinion) and the interface just doesn't seem to be very intuitive.
Any comments/suggestions are welcome