First up, google this search string:-

+"opengl" +"tutorial"

1.2mil hits and the first one that came up for me is 'nehe productions'. There are some good tutorials there and if memory serves, many of them have been ported to Delphi.

The books... goto Amazon and run a search for "opengl"... on, the first two that come up are these:-

The red book
The blue book

And we musn't forget The yellow book, amongst many others.

Before anyone comments about the usefulness of telling someone to google, running a search for OpenGL tutorials on google is possibly the best way of finding OpenGL tutorials on-line and there are LOTS of them. Whilst in general most people here are happy to provide help, when that help can be found with a 30 second google or a quick search on Amazon, many us begin to feel like we're just answering questions because the question poser can't be arsed to go off and do their own donkey work!