Well, I killed off the original project and started a new project just to see if something was wonky in the resource files. New project builds, shows the form properly, but none of the events (create, show, destroy) are fired (can tell by the memo not clearing )

Download here: http://www.eonclash.com/pgd/vm.zip

It's the start of a C64 emulator built on the basic idea found at http://ed64.eldendo.be/. I've converted his code into a class for 6510 emulation and was starting on building a C64 emulator on top of that class just for grins (hey, why not).

Let me know if it runs and/or if at least the events fire for you. I tried a complete clean install by uninstalling everything, deleting my laz folder completely, and then re-installing 28. No good, went back to 26 and now I have the same problems in it Must be some type of reg entry or something that is left over that I need to kill off.

- Jeremy