Thank you thomas. Going to try to build the cross compiler this or next weekend.
Thank you thomas. Going to try to build the cross compiler this or next weekend. - create adventure games without programming
You got an error if you cross compile it. There is a missing file, but this happens after building the cross compiler. In /tmp/fpc-pack is the cross compiler and all compiled units for arm-linux. Copy them to fpc lib directory, mostly in /usr/lib/ or /usr/local/lib/, where the i386 files for fpc386 are.
I had changed in svn tree "packages/sdl/src/sdl_mixer.pas" before cross compiling, the unit smpeg not working under gp2x. Replace around line 450 this
with thisCode:{$IFNDEF DARWIN} 5 : ( mp3 : PSMPEG ); {$ENDIF}
Copy a local version of fpc.cfg to your develop directory and add following lines to it:Code:{$IFNDEF DARWIN} {$IFNDEF no_smpeg} 5 : ( mp3 : PSMPEG ); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}
For gp2xwiz i have started to write an opengl es unit, which loads all functions dynamically, but i got an access exception on gp2xwiz, on windows it works now.Code:#ifdef GP2X #define gp2x #endif #ifdef gp2x #define GP2X #endif #ifdef gp2x #define no_smpeg -Fl/usr/local/devkits/gp2xdev/lib ##// <-- where you have installed you binutils for arm -XPgp2x- -Xd -Xr/usr/local/devkits/gp2xdev ##<-- where you have installed you binutils for arm #endif
If you are also working on opengles libs then have a look on this thread: - create adventure games without programming
Thanks, i found your post last week.
I take your egl.pas and egltypes.pas, rewrite egl.pas using dynamically loading of functions, for better testing, which functions are found or not in installed library.
I have now three units, which load all opengl es function on gp2xwiz, and most, except 6, egl functions. On Windows i got your sample working, on gp2xwiz it breaks at moment. Maybe I get it running tomorrow.
Ok, i have no idea why it doesn't work on gp2x wiz.
- I can compile and execute my opengl es program on wiz
- I get a device context
- I can call eglChooseConfig and get a valid configuration
But calling eglCreateWindowSurface failed with out an error message. The functions seems to be not returning, it terminate the application with out a message.
I have no access to the device, network or serial, so i couldn't debug it.
Is it possible to write a log file to the sd card?
On the gamepark forums there are a few howto's on opengles:
PS does my example use float or integers. My current version uses integers as only that is supported by the mbx-lite. - create adventure games without programming
I have read this thread and i init opengl es like them.
Code:procedure DoOpenGLES(); type TEGLAttribut = array[0..128] of EGLint; procedure AddAttribute(var iPos : Integer; var Attr : TEGLAttribut; aType, aValue : EGLInt); begin Attr[iPos] := aType; Inc(iPos); Attr[iPos] := aValue; Inc(iPos); end; var iMajorVersion : EGLint; iMinorVersion : EGLint; iLoop : Integer; iConfigs : integer; eglAttribs : TEGLAttribut; myeglDisplay : EGLDisplay; myeglConfig : EGLConfig; myeglSurface : EGLSurface; myeglContext : EGLContext; eglWindow : NativeWindowType; Info : TSDL_SysWMinfo; dc : LongWord; begin SDL_VERSION(Info.Version); if ( SDL_GetWMInfo(@Info) < 0 ) then begin raise Exception.Create('SDL_GetWMInfo failed!'); end; iMajorVersion := 0; iMinorVersion := 0; myeglDisplay := 0; myeglConfig := 0; myeglSurface := nil; myeglContext := nil; {$IFDEF WIN32} eglWindow := Info.window; dc := GetDC(eglWindow); if (dc = 0) then begin raise Exception.Create('GetDC failed!'); end; {$ELSE} nanoGL_Init(); eglWindow := OS_CreateWindow(); dc := 0; {$ENDIF} Log.Add(''); Log.Add('window handle is: %d', eglWindow); try myeglDisplay := eglGetDisplay(dc); if (myeglDisplay = EGL_BAD_DISPLAY) then begin raise Exception.Create('eglGetDisplay failed!'); end; if (eglInitialize(myeglDisplay, @iMajorVersion, @iMinorVersion) = 0) then begin raise Exception.Create('eglInitialize failed!'); end; iLoop := 0; AddAttribute(iLoop, eglAttribs, EGL_RED_SIZE, 5); AddAttribute(iLoop, eglAttribs, EGL_GREEN_SIZE, 6); AddAttribute(iLoop, eglAttribs, EGL_BLUE_SIZE, 5); AddAttribute(iLoop, eglAttribs, EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, 0); AddAttribute(iLoop, eglAttribs, EGL_SURFACE_TYPE, EGL_WINDOW_BIT); AddAttribute(iLoop, eglAttribs, EGL_NONE, 0); if (eglChooseConfig(myeglDisplay, @eglAttribs, @myeglConfig, 1, @iConfigs) = 0) then begin raise Exception.Create('eglChooseConfig failed!'); end; if (iConfigs = 0) then begin raise Exception.Create('No compatible open gl es mode found!'); end; myeglSurface := eglCreateWindowSurface(myeglDisplay, myeglConfig, eglWindow, nil); if (myeglSurface = nil) then begin if (eglWindow <> 0) then begin myeglSurface := eglCreateWindowSurface(myeglDisplay, myeglConfig, 0, @eglAttribs); end; if (myeglSurface = nil) then begin raise Exception.Create('eglCreateWindowSurface failed!'); end; end; myeglContext := eglCreateContext(myeglDisplay, myeglConfig, nil, nil); if (myeglContext = nil) then begin raise Exception.Create('myeglContext failed!'); end; Log.Add('EGL Init Completed'); eglMakeCurrent(myeglDisplay, myeglSurface, myeglSurface, myeglContext); for iLoop := 0 to Pred(100) do begin if ((iLoop mod 2) = 1) then begin glClearColor(0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0); // clear blue end else begin glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.66, 1.0); // clear yellow end; glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); eglSwapBuffers(myeglDisplay, myeglSurface); SDL_Delay(10); end; finally if (myeglDisplay <> EGL_BAD_DISPLAY) then begin eglMakeCurrent(myeglDisplay, nil, nil, nil); // eglDestroySurface(myeglDisplay, myeglSurface); // eglDestroyContext(myeglDisplay, myeglContext); // eglTerminate(myeglDisplay); end; {$IFDEF WIN32} ReleaseDC(eglWindow, dc); {$ELSE} // {$ENDIF} end; end;I write a log file and after calling eglCreateWindowSurface it stops, no entry is written, that eglCreateWindowSurface was called. On Windows it works.Code:function eglCreateWindowSurface(dpy : EGLDisplay; config : EGLConfig; win: NativeWindowType; const attrib_list: PEGLint) : EGLSurface; begin if Assigned(peglCreateWindowSurface) then begin Result := peglCreateWindowSurface(dpy, config, win, attrib_list); Log.Add('eglCreateWindowSurface called'); Exit; end; raise Exception.CreateFmt(cmsgUnknowProc, ['eglCreateWindowSurface']); end;
So, it seems to be, that called function, in peglCreateWindowSurface, was not returning.
It is past christmas and still no gamepark wiz delivered by the postman :-( . Luckily i did not pay in advance and opted to pay the postman when it is deliverd :-) .
For me i give up on the gamepark wiz and go with the beagleboard. Development for that goes a bit slow but hello world from freepascal works and so does dynamic calling libraries.
@KidPaddle are you sure the ogles .so files can be found from your application. I made mistakes with that ending up with the .so files not found and getting thing like you experience... If you have a hello world working you can use that to output text on screen whilst preparing opengles and detect what is happening ... - create adventure games without programming
I'm sure. I load dynamically around 160 opengl es functions and i can call some of them. I will make a new try, someone has make a Ethernet over USB and now debugging is much easier.