Quote Originally Posted by wagenheimer
How can I get the SDL compatible with Iphone?
You need to download the latest SDL 1.3 SVN snapshot from http://www.libsdl.org/svn.php.
There is a directory called "XCode-iPhoneOS" compile the XCode project and you will get a static library called libSDLiphone.a

Now you need SDL 1.3 Pascal headers... the Hedgewars project has those, see http://hedgewars.org/. You need to checkout their SVN as well, the file you need is located /trunk/Hedgewars/SDLh.pas
Now you need to link against the static library using
{$link libSDLiphone.a}
and remove all references to the constant SDLLibname.

I haven't got around to test it myself yet, but I will try it as soon as I find the time.