@User137: Perfect!

@Stoney: Well, I did that, but it doesn't want to play nice. I basically used GIMP to create a PNG image with an anti aliased font (as I know the font won't be available on every system, and didn't want to waste my time with a font lib + including the font for the menu text). Using SDL_SetAlpha, and SDL_DisplayFormat causes that alpha channel on the PNG image to be lost, and a black background is inserted, so I'd also have to key that out, but there goes my beautiful font anyway. (Now, "It's just a font, it's ok for one thing in the entire game to look ugly", well, there are a number of ideas I have that would rely heavily on the ability to load PNG images and change their opacity properly while keeping the default alpha values from the image, and if I can't do this with SDL, I'm going to go elsewhere )