Triangle strips is not the best way as they are continues over more then 2 triangles. Better to draw using index buffer.

In other words draw the verticies as you would normaly do but into a VBO with GL_STREAM_DRAW and then generate a index buffer:


0---2 4---6
| / | | / |
1---3 5---7

// Triangle 1
indicies[0]:= 0;
indicies[0]:= 2;
indicies[0]:= 1;
// Triangle 2
indicies[0]:= 2;
indicies[0]:= 3;
indicies[0]:= 1;

// Triangle 3
indicies[0]:= 4;
indicies[0]:= 6;
indicies[0]:= 5;
// Triangle 4
indicies[0]:= 6;
indicies[0]:= 7;
indicies[0]:= 5;

and so on...