Quote Originally Posted by Stoney
Unfortunately I didn't work with the DisableJIT switch. I still get the same error
Also when I recompile the latest SVN sources I get
BESEN.pas(19,24) Fatal: Internal error 200208151
Fatal: Compilation aborted
Only if I do a clean build (delete all *.o and *.ppu) compilation works without problems.
Which CPU target? 32-bit x86, 64-bit x64/AMD64, PowerPC, etc.?

Maybe you can try to remove the Set8087CW($133f); stuff from the BESENTest.dpr. Or otherwise try to get the exact code line, where the "Illegal instruction" is triggered with the -g parameter to the FPC compiler to generate debug infos for GDB. and then run "./gdb --args ./BESENTEST.dpr myfile.js", type run, and check the output.

Anyway a new version is on the SVN again, some bugs in the RegEx Stuff fixed.