Ok, I think I got all the latest reported issues resolved now. Please download this build which if there are no reported issues will become the new official v0.4.3 release. I recommend everyone using PGE to upgrade to this build ASAP.

Some comments:[*]When you update to a new build, make sure the DLLs have been updated and it's best to update any lingering .DCUs in the sdk\delphi folder. [*]Ansi TObject and unicode TObject are different enough that I had to separate out the scripting system. If your using Ansi Delphi you will need to distribute PGScript.dll along with your application. The ansi version of the scripting system is in there. I had to do it this way in order for things to continue working transparently for the developer. PGE is written in D2010 so TObject in the PyroGine.dll is Unicode. When you register a class in D7 for example, the scripting engine will try and register an ansi version which will eventually crash the system. The way I have it now, all should be ok.[*]It is now mandatory to add PGShareMem at the first line in your project uses section. There will be error message displayed if not. This assures that shared memory exist between your app and the PGE DLL so strings and objects are managed properly.

Ok cool,

sorry to bring up bugs in your code Laugh
No worries, it's a good thing really. This helps me to get these problems identified and resolved so thanks to everyone for the feedback.