Well the idea would be to create a collection DVD that is a nice keep-sake, but at the same time the money made from it's sales would help go towards future PGD Annuals.

I'd supe it up with as much source and features as I could. Since I'd be the one making it of course. If I can provide other platforms (I will have access to Mac OS X and Linux on top of Win32/64 soon) make a super-installer for all the games and videos. It would be a nice keepsake for all those that want to have something from the last 4 competitions.

If you don't want it, that's fine too. The games should still be offered somewhere, I think they just got buried with all the software changes. That will change with the new switch to the new high-end site software. But the compilation would still be a nicer way to have all the games and videos posted previously.