I'd love to be able to make all my screenshots in PNG format (which would mean writing to PNG) I've gone as far as to

Here is my incomplete implimentation of a PNG screenshot generator: (taken from Garland's Quest)
 TPNGStart = packed Array[0 .. 8] of Byte;

 TPNG_IHDR = packed record
  Width       : DWord;
  Height      : DWord;
  BitDepth     : Byte;
  ColorType     : Byte;
  CompressionMethod : Byte;
  FilterMethod   : Byte;
  InterlaceMethod  : Byte;
 TPNG_Chunk = packed record
  Length  : DWord;
  ChunkType : Array[0 .. 3] of Byte;
  ChunkCRC : DWord;

procedure ScreenShot_PNG(Filename: String);
 i: Integer;
 pngStartBytes: TPNGStart;
 pngChunk: TPNG_Chunk;

 vport: array[0 .. 3] of Integer;
 Buffer: PChar;
 BufferLength: Integer;
 f: TMemoryStream;
 crc: Cardinal;
   // First 8 bytes //
   pngStartBytes[0] := 137;
   pngStartBytes[1] := 80;
   pngStartBytes[2] := 78;
   pngStartBytes[3] := 71;
   pngStartBytes[4] := 13;
   pngStartBytes[5] := 10;
   pngStartBytes[6] := 26;
   pngStartBytes[7] := 10;

   // Get OpenGL ViewPort Data
   glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, @vport);
   glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);

   // Chunk Information //
   FillChar(pngChunk, SizeOf(pngChunk), 0);
   pngChunk.Length := SizeOf(pngIHDR);
   pngChunk.ChunkType[0] := ord('I');
   pngChunk.ChunkType[1] := ord('H');
   pngChunk.ChunkType[2] := ord('D');
   pngChunk.ChunkType[3] := ord('R');

   // IHDR Chunk Data //
   FillChar(pngIHDR, SizeOf(pngIHDR), 0);
   pngIHDR.Width       := vport[2];
   pngIHDR.Height      := vport[3];
   pngIHDR.BitDepth     := 8;
   pngIHDR.ColorType     := 2; // 2 = Each pixel is an R,G,B triple. 6 = Each pixel is an R,G,B triple, followed by an alpha sample.
   pngIHDR.CompressionMethod := 0; // deflate/inflate compression with a sliding window of at most 32768 bytes
   pngIHDR.FilterMethod   := 0; // adaptive filtering with five basic filter types
   pngIHDR.InterlaceMethod  := 0; // 0 (no interlace) or 1 (Adam7 interlace)

   // Temp Store Chunk Type & Data into Buffer for processing
   BufferLength := (4 + SizeOf(pngIHDR)); // ChunkType + ChunkData
   GetMem(Buffer, BufferLength);
   for i := 0 to 3 do             // Chunk Type to Buffer
     Write(Buffer^, pngChunk.ChunkType[i]);
//   Write(Buffer^, pngIHDR);          // Chunk Data to Buffer

   // CRC for Chunk Data //
   crc := crc32(0, nil, 0);
//   pngChunk.ChunkCRC := crc32(crc, Buffer, BufferLength);

   // Start Writing PNG File
   f := TMemoryStream.Create;
   for i := 0 to 7 do
     f.Write(pngStartBytes[0], 1);           // First 8 bytes
   f.Write(pngChunk.Length, SizeOf(pngChunk.Length));   // IHDR Chunk Length
   f.Write(buffer, BufferLength);             // IHDR Chunk Type & Data
   f.Write(pngChunk.ChunkCRC, SizeOf(pngChunk.ChunkCRC)); // IHDR Chunk CRC


   // --- IDAT Chunk --- //

   // Chunk Information //
   FillChar(pngChunk, SizeOf(pngChunk), 0);
   pngChunk.Length := SizeOf(pngIHDR);
   pngChunk.ChunkType[0] := ord('I');
   pngChunk.ChunkType[1] := ord('H');
   pngChunk.ChunkType[2] := ord('D');
   pngChunk.ChunkType[3] := ord('R');

   // Temp Store Chunk Type & Data into Buffer for processing
   BufferLength := (4 + (pngIHDR.Width * pngIHDR.Height * 3)); // rgb
   GetMem(Buffer, BufferLength);
   glReadPixels(0, 0, vport[2], vport[3], GL_RGB8, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, Buffer);


//   crc32(crc : cardinal; buf : Pbyte; len : cardinal)
//   f.Write(Buffer^, BufferLength);

   // IEND Chunk

it should work if you can modify it to generate the proper LZH compression for whatever pixel format you will be using. Oh and it is OpenGL dependent.