Well, I have now gotten my game editor up and running at a minimum...you can now open/save/edit levels for "The Probe", including single tiles, or pre-defined "tile brushes" I define in the program so you can place a block of multiple tiles all at once. This is great for graphics that are made up of more than one tile

The collision in the game doesn't work yet, and there are some issues with the draw order of tiles ATM (needs fixing), but you can use the editor to make levels, save them as "TheProbe.lvl" into the same folder as the game, and run the game. It will then load the level so you can see it and move around it (ignoring no collision stuff yet).

If you want to play with the editor and see the graphics in the game at this stage, here is the link (2.11Mb 7-zip file):


Editor Instruction:

To totally clear a level just hit the "resize level" button.
To change the level size, select with width and height, and then resize it.

Left click (or drag) will draw the currently selected tile or brush into the level.
Right click (or drag) will fill the level with spaces.

Some tiles are rotatable, like the TLS emitter/deflector/receiver, enemies, and travellator so when those tiles are selected, you can press the left/right key to rotate anti-clockwise/clockwise respectively prior to placing the tile.

To select a tile, just click on it, or press the hot-key indicated next to the graphic.
To select a brush, just click on it.

To save a level (needs one (1) probe in it), select the menu option, or hit CTRL+s.
To open a level, use the menu or hit CTRL+o.

Let me know what you think
