Excellent ideas mate!

There are still some bugs I will have to fix before I can start on these features. (In the beginning I used the room's filename to identify an unique room, but now the room name and room filename should pair as an unique identifier.. stuff like that)

I think I'll start on getting the file sharing working (Its at about 60%) and the file search for it. Then I'll create some nicer looking rooms for each type of file sharing. (you will have a room called 'Music room' for eg.)
Im no artist so I'll try to rip as many as possible good looking tiles from the net.
After this, I'll make a better room editor, integrated in the AWorld and when you start in the AWorld you can create a room in every 'system' room (Music room, Main world map, etc)

I'll post in here when the above is finished.... urr this could take a while lol

Also... Im thinking of rewriting the graphic engine core and making it all OpenGL (with GLscene) ... What do you think ?

Cheers mate thanx for the excellent ideas!