Quote Originally Posted by savage
Hi Matt,
As I worked on 95% of the port, I can tell you that currently both IDE and Runner are written in Object Pascal. The PSP version of the Runner, is written in C++. I made the Object Pascal code base portable, so YoYoGames could decide to release a Linux version, if they tweaked the code a little, down the line, if they so desire.
That is very interesting to hear.
Quote Originally Posted by WILL
I like the concept of it, much like I liked the old RPG Maker tools. When prototyping, it could be a useful concept design tool.

I do wonder though, how much like a 'Game Maker game' does Game Maker make their games look like when 'compiled' with the tool? Is it very or slightly obvious? Or would you have to know about Game Maker and be CS savvy enough to discover that the games were made with Game Maker?
If you buy the pro version of Game Maker, the only thing that might really stick out as being a Game Maker game is the nearly mandatory splash screen. Of course you can change the splash image and loading bar, but still this little loading splash is what usually gives away GM games for me. That, or if you're really interested you can tell by opening the exe in a text editor.

At best, I would classify it as nearly indistinguishable, tbh. Slow speeds might be apparent as well, but really, no one without experience with GM would know you made the game with GM.