Well Amazon.ca got back to me. They apologised for the cruddy service I got and offered me a 20% discount, a full replacement at cost to them or to return it for a full refund. They also said that they would pass my message along to the shipping department (the folks that package their stuff) and let them know what happened.

Though it seemed slightly automated, the fact is that they did say what they said and offered to make up for it. So I'll give them credit for that. So Amazon.com ads won't be removed from Pascal Gamer, but I'm not quite sure that I'll be putting them up here any time soon. It was a thought not too long ago, before yesterday. I liked the way that GameDev.net had theirs up with a small review of each one that they listed and I was trying to do this with PGD 1.0, but that didn't go so smoothly. Anyone know of an alternative to the Amazon ads?