In order... That's right. Contact an admin or moderator. It's configured that way. And I'm not 100% sure, but I believe so.

The rights that have been setup for Regular members allow and member to create and save their articles, but not publish them. At least not by themselves. This is kind of a good thing because it'll regulate what get put up such as spammers, articles with technical mistakes and those that prefer others to proof-read their spelling/grammar, and so on.

Once you have a new article ready to be published, PM one of us or the Staff member dedicated to Moderating the CMS Articles section. (which is a position that needs to be filled!) We'll have a look and as long as there aren't any serious issues, we'll gladly publish it.

Since I already know about it, don't bother contacting me through PM right now. I'll have a look and as long as it's all tickity-boo I'll publish it for ya.

Also, you can set publish dates if you want to have it published on a specific date. Publishing how two make a falling snow demo for Christmas, for example. Or just to spread your articles out if you're super ambitious and are writing 5 at the same time.