Time for an update to this thread...

The "Space Trader" game is still under development although unfortunately I switched earlier this year to working mainly in C++ for various reasons (library support was a big one, and I had a lot of problems with Lazarus too). As a result I have spent a lot of time since my posts here rewriting the game from the ground up in a different language. I guess that means it's not exactly relevant on this forum any more

However what I plan to do is make all of the features of my new 3d engine accessible to Pascal/Delphi programs as a DLL, and release it here when it's done if anyone's interested. At the moment it includes OpenGL 3 graphics and shaders, model and texture loading, rigid body physics powered by Bullet, and a basic GUI system. The plan would be to make it as simple and accessible as possible as I know it's never gonna compete with anything big like Ogre. Here's a screenshot of a Delphi program running it with the most basic scene possible, a character and a physics-enabled donut:

(this is kinda cheating, the scene is an engine preset and the Delphi program is 15 lines long )