Hello once again =)
I was wondering if/how there's a way to play mp3 files using zgl_sound probably.
I noticed support for .wav and .ogg files, was wondering if mp3 is also supported.
Hello once again =)
I was wondering if/how there's a way to play mp3 files using zgl_sound probably.
I noticed support for .wav and .ogg files, was wondering if mp3 is also supported.
MP3 doesn't support by ZenGL, but you can write your own decoder for it and use with ZenGL, like I did it for track formats in extra/zglModPlug.pas via ModPlug library
I have no idea how to do that, will use .ogg =) thank you for your help and if I absolutely need mp3 in the future I will figure out how to make a decoder for it and share =D
Thanks again very much, this library is the best thing that's happened to my video game programming. I remember using TPanels and TImages about 6 or so years ago when my dad gave me a copy of Delphi 3. OpenGL is a lot better lol.
Hehe, I was doing the same thing over 7-8 years ago with Delphi 5, and before with Visual Basic 6...I remember using TPanels and TImages about 6 or so years ago when my dad gave me a copy of Delphi 3.
Last edited by Andru; 28-02-2011 at 12:38 PM.