Okay, just so you guys don't have to read through the whole style-guide:

Wilbur: Don't capitalize reserved words. I see you're capitalizing some and begin other with a lower-case letter. So just spell any word that the delphi editor displays bold with a lower-case character.

WILL: "Record" and "Array" are reserved words, so don't capitalize these. Also, don't use smart-tabs and set your tab-width to 2 spaces (or simply don't use tab at all and indent with spaces).
Also, in array declarations:
MyArray: array [1..4] of Char;
instead of
MyArray : Array[1 .. 4] of Char;

the space after the word "array" is optional. Also, a lot of people declare variables like this:

var MyVar         : MyType;
    AnotherVar    : AnotherType;
    YetAnotherVar : YetAnotherType;
the proper way of doing it is:

  MyVar: MyType;
  AnotherVar: AnotherType;
  YetAnotherVar: YetAnotherType;
so don't use extra spaces to bring the variable types on the same level and there is no space before the colon ("MyVar: ..." isntead of "MyVar : ...").

Well, maybe I'm overdoing it a bit, but I found it to be very useful to closely follow the style-guide. Obviously it's up to you though.