Everybody who develops own library will propose his work, I think so... and yes, I have the one library - ZenGL. Simple(as for me and some other people), fast enough, cross-platform and still "grows up" Also there is a set of classes - EasyZenGL(which are appeared on official "international" forum of ZenGL).

About other libraries, I can remember only Andorra2D(but seems it's not in development anymore, due to this topic). Pretty good Windows only DanJet X and newer reincarnation - Gen2. Also there is a Delphi port of HGE(but I don't know how stable it). Some other lib's, which I didn't learn deep enough(e.g. Phoenix 2D Game Engine, because it too bloated(wants too many libs as for me), or PyroGine SDK with 9Mb lib O_o) you can find here on PGD Hmmm... I think PGD must make the list of libraries.

But I will give you an advice - try these libraries by your self and choose which one you like better. Don't afraid to spend some time learning how they works and so on