Hehe, that last post by WILL about writing everything leading up your tut only just hit home... I think it would indeed help if I did not have to include links to basic pascal stuff, setting up an IDE, compiler and runtime also... It is a bit of a pain and yhou do lose focus from what you want to write about when you have to include lines to try and cover every eventuality. Any volunteers on how to get everything working up wo and including a basic sdl test program? It would help a ton with my pong tutorial.

Oh and, chrono (cant spell the rest right, sorry ) if you want some competition, how many articles can you publish before Pong goes live? It might take a few weeks of fine tuning my odt file on my HD (no offence, but I cant to extended writing in the online editor) since all but the most insignificant bugs and gameplay issues have now been solved. Looks like you get the first in new gamedev tuts soon WILL