Hi and welcome to PGD!

I'm glad to see that you want to take your new found programming skills and learn to make games. I would of course recommend SDL if you have basic knowledge of the 'Classic Pascal' language. However don't start with an overly ambitious project. (Disappointed is the over-anxious new guy who tried to make the next WoW as his first game.)

What I tell everyone new to programming games is start with something simple to learn the structure of a game first. For example pong or Snake/Tron or something that you'd only complete in your dreams. And not know it until you learned how these games are made in the first place.

There is a lot to learn even in some of the most mediocre game genre let alone RPGs, MMOs, RTS games, etc...

You first game programs should wow you so much as they give you a sense of accomplishment of learning a new way to program. This is what you should stive for first.

On graphics, you'll want to start with SDL and not even look at OpenGL until you have fully understood 2D graphics first. Sure you can skip ahead, but you'll only confuse yourself without the benefit of learning anything from it.

I'd recommend the Free Pascal meets SDL website as well, but I'd also recommend the Pascal Programming for Schools too. They have some great resources including a Game Development section/tutorial that has example games and tutorials on how to get started.

Good luck on your starting out in games! But please please please, start small. (Tron, Pong, Arkanoid, Snake, etc) This is how we all learned, but doing small projects and moving on to slightly bigger each step.