Even though your game is only 2D, you will want to make use of your video cards 3D hardware functions. You are basically drawing in 2D, but using only the 3D libraries to do so.

3 reasons:

:arrow: Rotations
:arrow: Resizing & Stretching/Skewing
:arrow: Alpha Blending(for fading in and out)

These are the basic 3 things that you can do with your 2D sprites that will take up alot of computing power depending on a few basic factors.

To name a few off the top of my head:

:arrow: size of image(s)
:arrow: color-depth of image(s) and/or screen
:arrow: frame-rate

OpenGL can do both 2D and 3D. You can go bare-bones API and just get DirectX and OpenGL headers. Where to get those specifically you can try the JEDI homepage. It's actually late here so I'm a bit too tired to go digging, but Clootie has his own version of the DirectX 7 through 9 headers aswell. I'm sure you can find out this by doing a basic search either here or at www.delphigamer.com or even at turbo's site (turbo.gamedev.net)