meanwhile i discovered that setting (exporting) a global var to lua goes like:

  //set global var A with value 10
  //this pushes the globals table of state L
  lua_pushvalue(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
  //this sets a key in the globals table of L
  lua_pushstring&#40;L, 'a'&#41;; //Be aware lua vars are case sensitive!! a<>A
  lua_pushnumber&#40;L, 100&#41;;
  lua_settable&#40;L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX&#41;; // global noot = "mies"
  //end set
And reading a global var from lua to delphi goes like:

 //read global var from lua
  //this pushes the globals table of state L
  lua_pushvalue&#40;L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX&#41;;
  lua_pushstring&#40;L, 'result'&#41;;
  lua_gettable&#40;L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX&#41;;  // global aap
  writeln&#40;'Delphi&#58; '+floattostr&#40;lua_tonumber&#40;L, -1&#41;&#41;&#41;; //why -1?
  //end read
This should get me going.

But on looking on the lua maillist archive i read it should be possible to use c++ classes from within lua? Does this also go for delphi objects? How?