Version 1.4 uploaded to the site:

I have converted all the sound calls to use OpenAL as well. From the OpenAL sites it looks like its completely free to use and was very easy to add into my program.

The Click Team installer doesn't give an option to ask about the desktop icon. Either I remove it or leave it in..... Currently I've left it in as I think my game will be played by casual players and the desktop icon is then to my benefit as they will see it more often. (If you don't like it please delete it from your desktop )

I've also had some feedback on very slow performance on older PCs. It all seems to be based on the PC's screen cards and I have spent some time lowering the screen memory requirements. Anyone with an 8MB card (and a screen with 1024x768 resolution) please test for me.

All my optimisations also lowered the install file from 1.1MB to 850KB.

Would using 256 color images save space in the screen card? I dont think it will as it would be conveted to whatever the screen buffer supports. Anyone know differently?