Seems as a very nice site but unfortunatly I haven't hear about it until now.

You sad that you had complete windows crash. So I asume that you reinstaled your OS. Now usualy when we do this we format system partition and then reinstal windows, so I asume you also done this. Now I'm wondering when you formated your partition, did you use quick format or normal format? Why I'm I asking this? Well if you used quick format there is still small chance to recover the file wich contained URL to the web page (under favorites) with the use of some file recovery software. Offcourse this can only be done if the data wasn't been physicaly rewriten on the hard drive. Anyway it is worth a shot trying to rescue it.
I personaly recomend use of R-Studio wich you can get on Yes this software isn't free but for recovering of small files like URL shortuts you can also use the demo version of it (for recovering of larger files and larger numbers of files it is necessary to use full version).
Now if you haven't done anything like this before don't be afraid to ask for more instructions since I have quite a lot expirience on this field.