I use the latest release. i want to draw a shadow of the items in my level.
I use cColor1($FF000000) and effectSrcAlpha.
With powerDraw3 this worked but with the new version it is always drawn without changing the color.
Only alpha value of the color has an effect.
here is the main part of my drawing method:
procedure TMCDirectXEngine.drawImage(p_iX, p_iY, p_iImageIndex, p_iPatternIndex : integer; p_bAlpha : boolean; p_bFlip : boolean; p_iAngle : integer; p_iScale : integer; p_iColor : Cardinal; p_bAdd : boolean; p_bMirror : Boolean);
oImage: TAsphyreImage;
oPos: TPoint4;
iEffect: integer;
// ...
if p_iAngle <> 0 then
oPos := pRotate4c(p_iX, p_iY, oImage.PatternWidth, oImage.PatternHeight, p_iAngle)
oPos := pBounds4(p_iX, p_iY, oImage.PatternWidth, oImage.PatternHeight);

if p_iScale <> 0 then
if p_iAngle<> 0 then
oPos:= pRotate4sc(p_iX, p_iY, oImage.PatternWidth, oImage.PatternHeight, p_iAngle, p_iScale)
oPos := pBounds4s(p_iX, p_iY, oImage.PatternWidth, oImage.PatternHeight, p_iScale);

iEffect := effectNone;

if (p_bAlpha) then
iEffect := iEffect or effectSrcAlpha;

if (p_bAdd) then
iEffect := iEffect or effectDiffuse or effectSrcAlpha;
m_oPowerDraw.Device.TextureMap(oImage, oPos, cColor1(p_iColor), tPatternEx(p_iPatternIndex, p_bMirror, p_bFlip), iEffect);
