The main feature of this release is the quests. Say "quest" to the NPC to get a quest. When completed turn back to NPC and say 'hi' to get your reward.

Here is the change-log of this release:

* Added quests.
* Added mouse camera.
* Created a key switch to client show the fps (F12).
* Created Class diagram at doc/Class Diagram.dia.
* Created TSoundList Class and changed the game to use it.
* TBackPackForm and TLootForm refactored to inherit from TForm.
* TForm class refactored to inherit from TControl.
* Fixed dino lifebar position by the height property.
* Fixed distance of dino attack.
* Fixed backpack to not allow click in their slots when closed.
* Improved server exception handling.

The project is hosted at:

The test server is up! The src folder has the executables: mundo.exe for windows or just mundo for Linux.

The controls are: arrows to walk, space to attack, click mouse and drag to rotate camera, ENTER to post chat, Z to run, X to jump, F12 to switch show FPS, ESC to exit.

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Thanks for your feedback.