Syntax Error Software page
Online Chess
Have to be fairly pleased after few hours of fun with this project (yes, i started from scratch today). This is how it looks so far:
It is taking under 20% of cpu at locked 100 fps rate for me. Curious to see later if different setups slow it down or not.
Ah pretty good! You need a bunch of stars in the background though... and some explosions!![]()
Coders rule nr 1: Face ur bugz.. dont cage them with code, kill'em with ur cursor.
Damn, i've already found 2 bugs from the engine because of this gameNot only models had no textures at first, because Displaylist class didn't take into account texture references (so they were auto-freed when model was destroyed), but also simple FPS counter had a bug... At least they're fixed now.
Last edited by User137; 14-01-2012 at 01:56 AM.
Syntax Error Software page
Online Chess
School and playing other games are pressing on a bit so time is limited, but project continues, here's little more progress info and screenshotNew thing there is rotating turret objects. This screenshot is first scetch about the upgrade mode, which also shows at the beginning for that controls hint. At any point of game you can press Enter (or Space) to enter this upgrade mode, where you can change primary and secondary weapon and balance ships resources between shields, weapons and energy generation. There will be collectable upgrades to which increases the resources, and available weapons.
Also i finally got the framerate issues solved, so it really is smooth 60 fps even on schools silly computers. I've been very reluctant to do the basic things like explosions and bullet hits, simply because i want to do the hard work on weapon systems classes first... Once they're done, things will start to get showy really fastLike there is already some definitions for beams and homing missiles even though they're not showing yet.
I like customization, simplest pulse cannon might stretch to various styles like: switching turret, simultaneous dual fire, volley, rapid fire, way faster but more random and less damage per pulse. Etc... You might have pulse cannon on both fire1 and fire2 buttons but customize them in different way.
Last edited by User137; 24-01-2012 at 07:47 AM.
Can't resist filming it in actionYus, it has musics and sounds. Although sounds start clicking after a while and i have not solved that problem yet. Laser weapon is not yet in showcase shape, besides with primary and secondary weapon i was only able to show 2 kinds of weapons. The zoom-in mode only serves as key guide for now, until i get to design the upgrade info in it.
Very cool!! I would be interested to see how it runs on my laptop! LOL
Syntax Error Software page
Online Chess
Little update again. I uploaded latest version of, engine source code. Some recent Lazarus of FPC SVN versions broke latin characters. That is fixed now, in addition to other minor fixes in past months i have forgotten... nxBass wrapper is fixed about wav-sample channel counts, so that the "clicking" bug in the game demo is fixed. Also, beam weapons for both turrets are done in the demo now. It's all about adding more content, as if i could do that while playing Star Trek Online![]()