Unfortunatly progress on my article has come to a halt. The main reason for this is lack off free time on my part. Another reason is the fact that it's taking me longer than I expected. I have rewriten source code, wich I use as a base for my article, atleast six times. The reason for this is to make code simplier, more understandable and most inportantly more reusable.
I would really like to tell you how much time I still need to finish my article but even I don't know that. I trully hope it will be finished in a next few days but can't promise anything (this is my first article ever).
Anywhay if you are pressed with time on isuing next isue of Pascal Gamer Magazine I will understand if you won't wait for me. But don't worry when I finish my article I do intend to post it on PGD site as a tutorial.