Quote Originally Posted by vampm View Post
Glad to be here guys! I am skeptical on this.. First of all I want to make a 3d engine just for me, not for use in anything, unless its lightweight enough to create a simple 3d game. But the point is that making a 3d engine from the very zero, as I do, means that its running in cpu.

The "cube" that I made, uses ONLY the putpixel function of the graph unit to turn on/off pixels; all the routines that transform the points and creating the lines are made by me. The graph unit can already do etc the lines by itself, but I dont use it since the goal for me is to create the 3d engine by myself. Anyway, if I can create a simple lightweight engine, then I will try to create a simple game. Now if that game is rpg or anything else is another story, so it can wait.

For the time being I want to play with pixels in delphi7 (I think its more than enough this version for me), just turn on/off pixels very fast, and from what you said delphix is not a good option. So besides Andora2d and Jedi-SDL, any other lightweight option?
So what do you wish to achieve? Do you wan't to make your own simplistic 3D renderer, where you draw lines and faces pixel by pixel and do your own transformation matrices? Or do you wish to make a simple 3D engine where it's all about defining geometry which the engine will automatically render?

For the 3D renderer you can just use SDL or even just TCanvas. I see this as an exercise for understanding the very basics of 3D graphics programming. It won't be fast but it doesn't matter.

If it is an engine you wish to make go for OpenGL or DirectX. This is still low level but the rendering of polygons is handled by hardware now. You won't need to set each and every pixel but there's still plenty of challenges to overcome.