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Sorry to hear that. I usually end up with problems when I upgrade my Fedora too. Hopefully you'll fix this soon.
Tried your game, and it's awesome. Except the part I can't shoot anything, either because it's hard to target, or actually see a dark enemy on the dark background The game is impossible to play without cheats, which I had to dig up from the source code. Other than that, this is very impressive.
Initially it was "almost everything" because graphics drivers weren't installed correctly. When I fix that it worked, except most of the Allegro.pas Version 5 stuff (version 4 works perfectly though). There are some glitches with Allegro.pas 5 that I can't see and I must fix them.
Glad to know it works in other computers.
I know, dark enemy on dark bacground is evil, but I have the same problem with Roge Squadron , Wing Commander and Vega Strike. But painting starships in wright-green or electric-blue...
I know also that AI is bad, but it isn't unbeatable. You need a lot of practise, of course, but it's possible. I hope it will be better when I finish it.
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If you're interested, it's an i3 540, 4 GB DDR3, a Fedora 16 with open source nouveau drivers ona GF210 graphics card. It's a fresh install. I'll try the game home too, I wanted to play it for a bit and see if I can pass at least one or two levels without cheating .
No need to paint them, but some indicators would be nice. Like in freelancer for example, there were these red indicators for the targeted enemy (a square of sorts on the HUD), and a motion adjusted indicator where you should shoot to hit that enemy, which made things a lot easier. A lot of the games of similar type I played used the same indicator mechanism.
I'm quite sure it will be better. A good AI is not easy.
That's not a bad idea. Actually I play a lot with old Microprose's F-19 that has that HUD indicators.
Er... I don't know what are you talking about...
[edit] I've found it!
And here you have one with Ruben's 3D models: video [5]
BTW, if judges can't run my entry (SIGSEGV or that), I've found that it only hapens with the "release" version of Allegro, but using the "debugging" version of Allegro it is more stable. Unfortunately it's necessary to make a modification in one file of Allegro.pas (or use the latest SVN), and recompile with "-g -dDEBUGMODE".
Last edited by Ñuño Martínez; 06-05-2012 at 05:22 PM.
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