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Thread: Machina Engine DevPascal - IDE for Free Pascal

  1. #21
    I think that typically most IDE have save problems. First of all - design. I mean lack of design. Both visual and usability.
    At this point I try to develop IDE for HLSL shaders. And it's quite difficult I say.
    Some time ago I use my own component for code edit and in the end it was terrible in usability (however it looks very nice).
    Then I changed it with SynEdit and it was disaster in both visual and usability.
    Now I write my new component for it. It's not completed yet and not all features works properly (Actually I working on that), but looks perfect.

    What I want to say? You must create really comfortable editor. More to say it must be not just clone of the existing ones. Try not to copy it, old IDEs have a lot of senseless solutions.

    And by the way - you doing a great job man. Keep going!
    Theory is - when you know everything but nothing works.
    Practice is - when all works, but you don't know why.
    We combine theory and practice - nothing works and nobody knows why

  2. #22
    Thinking about make the project open-source already. But, I'm reading some articles about licensing(GLP or LPGL), so anyone will be able to help with the project.

    Also, I'll make a documentation to make easy for developers understand the code.

    This is it, I'm not with time to work with the project at this moment(working more with my game engine). But it is still, and will continue, alive.

  3. #23
    I'm trying to use the compiler externally, so I'm using a unit which I can compile using the FreePascal IDE, but I'm not getting it to compile using command line. These are the commands:

    FPC -Rdefault
    -Sc -Sg -Si -Sh -SIcom -vv -vw -vl

    -FuD:\Arquivos\Desenvolvimento\Programação\Projetos \
    -FiD:\Arquivos\Desenvolvimento\Programação\Projetos \
    -FoD:\Lazarus\lcl\* -FoD:\Lazarus\lcl\units\*

    -TWin32 -g- -p- -b- -Mfpc -XS -Cp80386 -Op80386
    D:\Arquivos\Desenvolvimento\Programação\Projetos\M EGameEngine.pas

    I recieve this message:
    control(935,27) Error: Identifier not found "TPopupMenu"

    Does anyone know what the problem is?

  4. #24
    Hello, everybody. Some updates:

    1# - It's possible to change the theme of the editor[Image Original Size]:

    2# - The browser can show the functions and procedures of each class:

    3# - All FPC options(command line options) are already manageable by the IDE;

    4# - In the preferences window you can change the theme and set all the FPC options:

    QUESTION: I'm thinking about put a option where the IDE would load ALL units which are in a "standard directories" and parser them. This way, I could put an autocomplete tool in the editor, like this:

    But, to do this, the programmer will need the source-code(the .pp file) of each unit.

    Do you think it is a good idea? Also, anyone knows anything about my last post?
    Attached Images Attached Images

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by FelipeFS View Post
    QUESTION: I'm thinking about put a option where the IDE would load ALL units which are in a "standard directories" and parser them. This way, I could put an autocomplete tool in the editor, like this:

    But, to do this, the programmer will need the source-code(the .pp file) of each unit.

    Do you think it is a good idea?
    I think you could create a database with all that definition stuff, that way you don't need the source code. This also allow to use other language provided the right declaration database.

  6. #26
    It's really something like that I have in mind. But, when the user add another source-code, the program will need to parser and add the new stuff in the data-base(which will be a XML tree).

  7. #27
    As I see it, it's a two step process. First, the bigger, you have a database for the standar functions, procedures and classes. Second, you parse the user sources to add her new classes, functions and procedures. The second step can be done when you parse the code for highlights for example.

  8. #28
    I'm solving some memory leaks, and I have made some improvements in the user interface inspired by the new VS 2011 interface - and thinking about change the icon colors to grayscale like in VS 2011, because, let's admit, that gray interface is good because don't do a visual mess:


    New tabs styles:

    Last edited by FelipeFS; 28-06-2012 at 09:00 PM.

  9. #29
    Looks nice. Hope to see this around soon.

  10. #30
    PGDCE Developer de_jean_7777's Avatar
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    Looks great. Always nice to fix memory leaks.
    Existence is pain

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