Wow, this site seems quiet Thought to let you know of a new unit i added, nxData.pas. TDataStore class is made for keeping large chunks of data loaded in memory. It uses compression to units that are not used for (by default) 15 seconds. Tested in my game on FPC but also compiles with Delphi, using zlib (or fpc zstream). Multithreading was added just today too, so that it shouldn't interfere with rendering thread, if renderer simply hints it that it wants certain chunk loaded, it can render it when thread has finished loading it.

I don't know of any issues with it at this point, at least works with 2D game, and because it's internally 1-dimensional, it doesn't care what sort of project it is used for. Minecraft-like 3D-chunks, or just as simple database? Why not! Saving my game world on disk, 45Mb millions of tiles data was shrunk under 2Mb. It is similar to what it is like loaded ingame.