I'm having problems geting myself to do any programing lately (lack of motivation) so I spent more time playing games than making them.
Anywhay currently I have three projects planed.
1. My game Life among the stars from 2nd PGD challenge - currently on hold (I still need to make decen GUIO for it)
2. I'm creating my own VCL-like GUI library. If I manage to do it the way I have imagined, it would be posible to use this library with any Graphic Engine capable of working with vertex graphics and probably even with other programing languages. My poor knowledge on this area is giving me some hard time at the moment.
3. I'm also planning to create my own program for creating graphics. I have idea for this for quite some time now but have decided to move it from idea to reality when I haven't managed to find suitable program for creating graphics for my game. So I folow the old saying: If you cant find suitable tool for yourself, go ahead and make one. This project is also on hold since I'm planing to use Game graphical engine (probably Asphyre Sphinx 2) for renderning whole form and all controls on it. I hope that in the future this will alow me to port this graphich creator program to other platforms aswel. And before I can continue working on this I need to finish my VCL like library.
So in the end my VCL-like library has top priority at the moment.