i'm experimenting some coding with Delphi and GLScene. So far i managed to load an SMD model and various animations: I don't have a particular project in mind, but i'm amazed by the simplicity and power of this framework. The next step i'm trying to accomplish is to load a weapon and attach it to my character's hand at runtime.
Both the character's hand and the sword have a joint, but i don't know how to get them together.
I already tried to use something like WeaponActor.Matrix := CharActor.Skeleton.BoneByName('Weapon_R_Bone').Glo balMatrix but that's not what i'm looking for.
The hilt of the sword, which contains the bone "Sword_Hilt", should be in the character's hand "Weapon_R_Bone".
I searched inside the source code of the libraries for something like "AttachToBone" to no avail
Does anyone know how to attach joints programmatically in GLScene?![]()