What isues? I'm hardcore AND/ATI supporter and in all theese yers I recall to have problems ony 3 times:
1. Back on my ATI Radeon 9200 I downloaded once corupt driver package (old driver and new Catalyst Control Center). ATI has fixed the problem in one day.
2. On my old laptom I once had some problems becouse I actually instaled wrong graphics drivers (mobile drivers also contain information about Flat Panel Screen). So my picture looked a bit garbled (Flat panel was still conected with graphics card throug VGA conection). In todays laptops Flat Screens are conected to graphics card through Display port which alows drivers to get the necessary information from the panel itself.
3. Last problem I had aprox. a mont ago when I intentionally downloaded beta drivers and they contained a bug which prevented OpengGL to work properly (some artifacts in 3D games), DirectX renderning worked OK.