Lightning, i know that CTRL-SPACE Just, it works only some times (about 1 on 10 in my works). I don't know why, probably becouse he tries to parse the unit to get the symbols but the unit is not valid. BTW Kylix has the same behaviour (a little better), while Delphi instead works almost always.
Debugging just don't work. It starts, then it mess all. either gdb is not cleaned, or some command get lost, or the initilization don't work, etc etc.
I looked at the sources some time ago but i wasn't able to figure out the problems.

Quote Originally Posted by WILL
I would seriously like a rewritten set of instructions for installing Lazarus on a Debian distro[size=9px](The latest disc that I use is Woody, because it is stable and quite upgradable for everything)[/size]. The current writting are just TOO confusing and misses what seems to be some very vital points. Namely, how to finish the installation with these extra libs required to install for Debian specifically. :roll:
Well the extra packages should be always in debian, their name is in the form fp-xxx

fp-docs - Free Pascal -- Documentation
fp-units-base - Free Pascal -- base units
fp-units-db - Free Pascal -- database libraries units
fp-units-fcl - Free Pascal -- Free Component Library
fp-units-gfx - Free Pascal -- graphics libraries units

Did you mean these ?
If you have a specific problem, write my the output.

cairnswm: Why? Debian is the best.
Now, that's a statement that i really agree with (including the rest about apt, etc)