Quote Originally Posted by robert83 View Post

Here it is, smooth scroll works in both directions up and down, only minor problem which I need to fix now is (not a big problem for my intended game since it's a space shooter which goes in one direction only) , when I change directions it's visible. I find it difficult to explain with my english knowledge. See for youreself.

Anyway making some really nice progress (so I think atleast)

From what I see the problem is that when you are moving UP your are not adding necessary line of sprites on uper side which makes that black line.

Any whay now if you would excuse me I would like to go to bed as it is 3:41 am here now.
Post any progress you made and I'll try to find some time tomorow to write you the whole map movment functions as explained in my previous post. I would also write you a Map file handling routines which would alow you to load several Layers when needed.

EDIT: BTW I recomed you to start commenting your code. While at this time it might seem unnecessary to do this but when your code grows you will find out that you can quickly get lost in it and then don't know what which part of the code does.