The idea of 'pre-rendering' is that you have rendered the 3d into a 2d the way you want it to look before hand. Yes, some technical limitations arize, but the concept allows you to 'cheat' a little here and there. Because thats pretty much what it is.

Ultimately, it's up to you got you want your game to look. Do you want to make a 3D game or do you want to make a 2D game?

Since you are limited in your ability to produce high-quality 3D graphics, I'd suggest trying to counter this with the advantage of pre-rendering your 3D models into 2D sprites, its more work for the 'posing process', but it's the trade-off to counter the lack of 3D artistic skill and programming load of a 3D engine(time to code and CPU/video card juice required).

Development is always a balance of compromize... you sacrafice memory size for speed or vice versa... it's a yin and yang situation... It's the way of the programmer. :rambo: