Well, Delphi5 still refuses to work with that .. The Install.exe doesn't work..

"The Delphi Compilator dcc32.exe not found; \bin\dcc32.exe"

My dcc32.exe is located in C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi5\bin so I don't know where it's looking ..

So trying it by hand.. I open the DPK file .. The requires are still not found in D5 .. I remove all of that .. Then it complains about the {ALIGN=8} (I think thats its, the first one in the {} list .. So I comment it out with the \\ .. The I click install again and run into the same error I posted before..

[Fatal Error] GLXScreens.pas(22: Internal error: C10652


So ANYWAYS .. I got a hold of the free Delphi 6 Personal Edition Borland was giving away .. Got a registration key from them and i'm going to give it a go in D6 Personal .. I figure if I ever end up making something that I want to actually sell, i'll go ahead and buy D7 Professional and ditch D5 Professional anyways .. .. If you'd like to keep trying to fix this, I still have D5 installed and would be happy to keep trying.